
Hell Valley and natulal footbath guide tour in Noboribetsu!

End of last month, I had a Hell Valley and natulal footbath guide tour.
I’m sorry that I could not introduce soon.

Guests from Singapore.
She visited Kushiro before here, and she showed me a video of many Tancyou(Turu).
Actually,I have never met so many Tancyo even I was growing up in Hokkaido.
I want to go there to see. (*^^*)

We went to Hell Valley first, and walked to Oyunuma.


We enjoyed footbath and refreshing.

In winter, the temperture of hot spring river would be little bit down.
Then,please dig in the ground. Some places in the river has hot spot.
Hot water is coming up there!

Thank you very much for joining our guide tour!
I really enjoyed talking with you.

Yoshie Kobayashi

